Interviews / Appearances
Tammy MacIntosh - Instagram Live
Tammy's First Instagram Live
(SSE was 22/23rd Jun 2019)
Uploaded to YouTube 25th June 2019 | Minara Mamedova
(thankyou Minara! I missed this!)
60 seconds with Tammy MacIntosh
22nd March 2018
Wentworth S6 - Tammy MacIntosh
Found on YouTube | Ves2506
The Interrogation Room
2nd May 2017
The Interrogation Room
From the Wentworth Facebook Page @wentworthtv
Up Close & Personal
All Saints - Up Close & Personal with Tammy MacIntosh
Uploaded to YouTube 14th July 2009 | firedingo99365
Warning: As this recording was of a tv screen, there's a fair bit of flickering on this video - if this means you are unable to watch don't despair, I will be transcribing the content soon!